Sunday, July 15, 2012

Week 2 Rotation - Hospital Municipal "Los Andes" El Alto

This week I'm rotating with Jodi (CFHI) at el Hospital Municipal "Los Andes" El Alto con Dra. Gutierrez.  It is a hospital that is covered through a government program S.U.M.I. (Seguro Universal Materno Infantil - Universal Insurance for Mothers and Infants).  This program was initiated on November 21, 2002 to help reduce the mortality of infants and mothers in La Paz, Bolivia.  This type of insurance is free to pregnant women, for women 6 months after birth, and to all children under the age of 5.  Examples of what is covered through S.U.M.I. is as follows - urine tests, ultrasound, wound healing in children, care of infections in the newborn, congenital hip dislocation, children treated for burns of the 2nd and 3rd degree, biliary surgeries in women, and more.

Below are some pics I took throughout the week I was at Hospital de Los Andes.

Andres - healthy baby.  Both parents came with him (rare).  He was just so big that I had to take a pic of him!

Shunat - 12 days old; came in for regular check up; in this pic, Dra. Gutierrez is cleaning the umbilical area with alcohol.

Mayle - 5 years old, so cute and playful!

Dra. Gutierrez teaching the mother's in El Alto about hip dysplasia.
Luis, 1 year 11 months - in the process of being lectured by Dra. Gutierrez about potty training.

Ludwin, 9 months - underweight.  Dra. Gutierrez feeding him a protein supplement to help him gain weight.  Once in his mouth, he was no longer squirmy.

Measuring the angles for Dra. Gutierrez to determine if Oshat's (3 months) hip x-ray is normal.  She is at risk for hip dysplasia but if mom holds baby correctly, then it can be prevented.

Dra. Gutierrez in the waiting room lecturing all parents that the medications they are getting for "free" are NOT "free", it comes from their taxes, so they should be using all medications provided with the utmost respect and use it all (especially the vitamin supplements for their children).

Listening to Joel's lungs - clear on auscultation.

Elmer - lives in Yungas (the jungle) and has come in because he has an abscess on his left leg.

Dra. Gutierrez determining whether the abscess is full of air or of pus but dropping a water pellet on the abscess and seeing if bubbles appear in the droplet of water.

Sophia and Rachel helping Jodi and I with our commute home - making sure we take the Constratur but to make it back to La Paz safely.

Jodi and I on the minibus from El Alto back to our homestays.
with Dra. Gutierrez and Jodi on our last day

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